Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Have a Dream

15,000, do you know what that number represents? 15,000 is roughly the number

of people murdered in the United States every year.  It can either be because the murderer

wants something the victim has or wants to get back at them, or they could be mentally

insane. As many of you know there was recently a crime in the state of Connecticut

where there were 20 children ages 6-7 and six adults not including the gunman’s mother,

who were all shot and killed. As Albert Einstein once said “Learn from yesterday, live for

today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” We have

learned from a few days ago, we are trying to fix alarms, security, etc. We aren’t just

hoping for a better tomorrow, we are praying that tomorrow people will begin to feel

safer, we don’t want them to be afraid anymore. These people were killed for not doing

anything but living their normal lives and Adam Lanza, the murderer, decided to kill

them on a whim.  Women get upset over breaking a nail or scuffing their new shoes, men

get upset because their favorite football team lost a game. What do you think the families

in Connecticut are upset about? Losing their friends, their family, their trust. Now how do

you feel?

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