Sunday, December 2, 2012

What do you think about the amount of violence on T.V?

  • What do you think about the amount of violence on T.V.?

               The amount of violence on television has impacted many peoples lives mostly children growing into adults.  On April 16, 2011 a boy named Kevin stated "Children are like sponges and are always observing their environment, often to a   greater degree than their parents and guardians realize." Kids are like sponges when they watch the violence on television they remember what it is, and more than less will have nightmares about it. We can't really prevent what goes on television but we can try to prevent who watches it. There are people in jail now because of violence and they more than likely watched violent T.V shows. The world would be a better place without the violent television, where people wouldn't be able to get ideas about how to do things such as robbing. All in all the violent T.V shows should be removed.


  1. I agree that there is a lot of violence on tv. Also, kids do see what goes on and they can be affected in different ways. But, I don't think that all violence should be removed from tv. Sometimes on tv you need to show things that really happen and you can't hide the world from violence just because people don't like it. I liked your free write, good job!

  2. Thank You, and I guess you're right not all of the violence should be removed

  3. hi julia its zack and i love the thought about the tv. your right there are lots of bad tv out there and you gave me the idea i should talk to my brother about that. you are right the world will be better off with out violent television.
